Use POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS to change the way you feel
Positive affirmations are positive statements that change the way we think about ourselves by changing our subconscious thoughts and beliefs. When we repeat a positive statement either within our mind or verbally to ourselves, an increase in firing of neuron connections within our brain result. If a statement is repeated multiple times new neural connections are increased or additional neural connections are created. If the theme of the statement is positive an increase in positive neural connections result. Alternatively, if the theme of the statement is negative an increase in neural connections that support the negative thought or belief result. Positive affirmations repeated regularly have the ability to create, increase a positive self-belief and sustain change. Research suggests that this technique is an effective strategy that is suitable for all ages, genders, and cultures.
It is common for people to have negative self-beliefs and thoughts on a regular basis. At some times in our lives the negatives beliefs and thoughts can be more frequent than the positive beliefs and thoughts. When our mind focuses on more negative than positive thoughts, symptoms of anxiety or depression may result. To change the ratio of positive to negative thoughts occurring we can use positive affirmations to reduce the negative beliefs and thoughts and increase the positive beliefs and thoughts about ourselves, others or events that occur within our lifetime. We can alter our negative beliefs and thoughts by identifying a negative thought, problematic behaviour or negative emotion and developing, a positive alternative statement that is opposite to the negative thought, problematic behaviour, and negative emotion.
Mahatma Ghandi once made a quote outlining how your beliefs shape your thoughts, words, actions, habits, values and resulting destiny. His advice was
'Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values.
Your values become your destiny.'
Beliefs are developed over time from infancy and throughout the rest of our lives. Our beliefs are continually changing and are shaped by our experiences and our reactions to the environment around us. All the experiences that we have in our life, the good, the bad or neutral, shape the way we see our world. We learn from our experience. Sometimes we have positive experiences, other times we might have not as much of a positive experience. We might even find the experience a negative experience.
When we have positive experiences we generally develop positive beliefs, which lead to positive thoughts and positive actions.
Alternatively, when we have negative experiences we have a greater chance of learning that our world around us is not a pleasant place to be, that we are not good enough to fit in, or that there is something to fear in our environment. This dysfunctional thinking style may develop a negative belief about ourselves or the world around us. In turn this may change our behaviour and the way we react to situations around us.
When Should I Use Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations can be used at any time, any place, anywhere, when you are either by yourself or when you are with people. Positive affirmations are very helpful to change your belief system so that you are positive, happy and are well adjusted to your environment. It is important to practice or listen to recordings of positive affirmations on a regular basis. Everybody is different, have different responsibilities and different routines but by making yourself a priority every single day you will enjoy your life more, increase your happiness, improve your relationships and become more productive.
First Thing in the Morning
One of the best times to begin practicing positive affirmation is before you leaving your bed each morning. You might find it the perfect timing to focus on your breathing, complete a progressive muscle relaxation and listen to positive affirmations. By starting your day in this manner, you calm and relax your mind and body, create a positive mindset and rejuvenate yourself for the coming day.
Morning and Afternoon Tea
Morning tea is an ideal time to quickly repeat the positive affirmation that you have chosen to focus on for the day. You may repeat the phrase only ten times, however the more you say the positive affirmation the greater the change of belief you will experience.
Lunch Time
Lunch time is the perfect time to say a positive affirmation to yourself or listen to a Youtube clip of positive affirmations. You can help build your mental stability by focusing on the positive affirmations and decreasing receptivity to external influences.
Last Thing at Night
By ending your day with affirmations, you can focus on the negative beliefs that pop into your head during the day. In this way, the negative thoughts that have crept into your belief system can be stopped, caught, identified, challenged, and rewired to a positive thought and belief. When you practice this technique every day you have the ability to actively change the way you have seen the situation, event, person or yourself and decrease any negative emotions, thoughts and physical sensations in relation to your experiences.
Other times
When deciding to practice positive affirmations it is recommended to choose set times or schedule practicing during set tasks so that you cue yourself to complete the activity. You might find it a good idea to practice positive affirmations while completing some of the following activities that are a part of your general routine:
• Showering
• Brushing your teeth
• While driving your car.
• While traveling on public transport.
• Riding a bike.
• Walking the dog.
• Going to the bathroom
• Doing a gym workout
• Cooking dinner
• Washing the dishes
• Hanging the clothes on the clothes line
• Collecting the mail
You may also like to place post it notes of your positive affirmations around the house so you can remind yourself to read and repeat the phrases you would like to believe more about yourself, others and about situations that you experience.
When Do You Know It Is Time to Increase Your Positive Affirmation Practice?
Everybody will benefit from daily cultivation of a positive mental attitude, especially in times when you are feeling sad, lonely, anxious, stressed, over worked or simply when you are not feeling happy and content. When things go wrong in your life or you are having a bad day, positive affirmations can help to decrease your attention to the negative events and focus our thoughts on more positive thoughts. By actively choosing the thoughts and outlook you would like to have about your life you can change the way you feel on a regular basis. When your thoughts and or emotions are not positive it is your mind and body’s way to let you know that you need to change something.
Take some time to take a few deep breaths focusing on the thought and or emotion. Once you have become aware of what is going on in your body rate how you feel right now and or how intense the current thoughts and emotions are.
Thought Rating Scale
Rate negative thoughts on a scale of:
0 = No negative thoughts to 10 = Very intense negative thoughts
Emotion Rating Scale
Rate negative emotions on a scale of:
0 = No negative emotion to 10 = Very intense negative emotion
If you have a negative thought or emotion that rates a three or above, it is a good time to begin using positive affirmations to help reduce your negative beliefs and change the way you are thinking and feeling.
If there is a positive statement that you would like to believe about yourself, your situation or others begin by rating how intensely you believe the positive statement or affirmation. If you rate a seven or below, it is a good time to practice the affirmation until you believe the statement on a rating of eight to ten.
Positive Affirmation Rating Scale
Rate positive affirmations on the following scale:
0 5 10
I do not believe the I believe the positive I absolutely believe the
positive affirmation affirmation somewhat positive affirmation
How Do I Develop a Suitable Positive Affirmation?
It is important to do some soul searching to identify what areas of your thinking or the thoughts you are not happy with. Everybody has thoughts that pop into their mind at some point. Thoughts that they would prefer not to experience. It is up to us to take the time, effort and do the work to change the automatic negative thoughts that we have. We are responsible for the way we perceive our world. This includes the thoughts that we have about the situations we experience, people in our lives and our own selves. It is up to us to change our negative beliefs or mindsets to create more positive beliefs or mindsets. Follow these few steps to start to develop a positive affirmation that is suited specifically to you:
1. When developing a positive affirmation begin by thinking about an area that you
would like to change.
2. Identify a negative thought that you have on a regular basis or a belief that you would like to change.
3. Develop an alternative statement that is positive, written in present tense, with an
emotional charge beginning with an ‘I’ statement.
For example, ‘I am unable to complete …….’ change the negative to a positive
statement by rephrasing the statement, ‘I am able to complete …….’
‘I am sad, lonely nobody likes me.’ change the negative to a positive statement by
rephrasing the statement to ‘I am a vibrant person, who is lovable, happy and
surrounded by good friends.’
4. Repeat the affirmation every day until you believe the statement about yourself and your thoughts about yourself become positive.
The following are great positive affirmations that can be written on post-it notes or flashcards to increase your beliefs in your abilities and change your negative thoughts to more positive thoughts. Why don't you try some today.
Today is a great day.
Everyday I become more positive.
Every day I continue to get better and better.
I have a fulfilling life.
I love my life.
Every day I wake up I see the beauty in the day.
Others love and respect me.
I am capable.
I am kind.
I am caring.
I am loving.
I am a worthwhile person.
I am very much loved.
I am a valuable person.
I am a humble, and wise person.
I am solution orientated.
I am a good mother/father/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/grandparent/friend.
I love and care for myself every day.
I know that I am a valued person in society.
I am full of energy, enjoy life and live my life to the fullest.
I am motivated to complete the goals that I set for myself every day.
I motivate myself.
Motivation comes from my inside.
I know my worth.
I deserve success and I achieve great things.
I work until I achieve my goals.
I try my best to help others.
I able to progress in my career.
On a daily basis I actively choose my own decisions.
I take action every day to improve my relationships.
I have a wonderful life.
I live in the present.
My mind is full of kind, prosperous thoughts.
My thoughts are valued.
I love and respect others.
I love and accept myself unconditionally.
I make my own choices and decisions.
My mind is full of gratitude.
I hope you enjoyed this blog.
Take care and have a wonderful day,
Louise Wakefield