This exercise is very good to help with tension and anger or any other negative emotions within the body. Progressive muscle relaxation is also very good to increase your feelings of relaxation, help you to let go of worries and stresses and to increase your level of happiness. Firstly, begin by sitting in a comfortable position or lay on your bed or on the floor. Take ten nice long slow deep breaths feeling the air moving through your nostrils and into your stomach. Watch your stomach rise and fall with each breath. If your chest is rising and falling with each breath, take some time to focus on pushing each breath down to your stomach before you begin this exercise. Belly breathing may take some practice if you are not used to breathing in this manner. Any new skill takes time, that is okay, try to put some time aside every day to practice effective breathing. The more you practice the skill the better you will become. Do not be concerned if this takes time. Do not judge yourself if it takes you longer than someone else you know.
Follow the steps in order taking as much time as you need to tighten each section until the muscle group does not feel tight or strained any longer.
1. Tighten your forehead by raising your eyebrows upward and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
2. Squeeze your eyes shut and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
3. Clench your jaw and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
4. Tighten your neck and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
5. Lift your shoulders towards your ears and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
6. Hold your arms in front of you, tighten the muscles and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
7. Clench your hands into fists and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
8. Lift your fists to your shoulders squeeze your bicep muscles and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
9. Take a deep breath in and hold your chest cavity open as much as you can and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
10. Lift your arms to shoulder height, move your elbows at ninety-degree angles towards your back, squeezing your scapular together and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
11. Clench your stomach muscles towards the back of the chair and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
12. Squeeze your buttock muscles together and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
13. Squeeze your knees and thighs together and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
14. Lift your toes towards your knees, squeeze your knees and ankles together and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
15. Push your toes towards the floor and hold for at least 30 seconds before releasing with a breath.
16. Repeat any muscle area of your body that still has any tense feelings and feel your entire body relax.
This is a wonderful exercise that can have lasting effects throughout your day when you practice this activity before you get out of bed in the morning and can improve your sleep when you practice this activity when you go to bed for the night.
Take care and have a wonderful day,
Louise xo