General Contact Details and Enquiries:
0400 017 674
Louise is currently working in a private practice in the north east of Brisbane and the south east of Brisbane on the Bay Islands.
If you would like to arrange a time for an appointment please text Louise on 0400 017 674 or email her on
and use:
Private psychology consultation and your name in the subject line.
If you are concerned with your safety or the safety of someone else
please do not hesitate to phone a relevant service in your area.
Hospital: Prince Charles Emergency Triage Service (07) 3139 4422
Prince Charles Acute Care Team 1800 112 403
Redcliffe Hospital Emergency Triage Service (07) 3883 7777
Caboolture Hospital Emergency Triage Service (07) 5433 8888
Royal Brisbane Hospital Emergency Triage Service (07) 3636 8111
Holy Spirit Hospital Emergency Triage Service (07) 3326 3000
Pine Rivers Private Hospital Emergency Triage Service (07) 3881 7222
Emergency: 000
Mental Health Emergency Triage Service 13 14 65
Telephone Support:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Mental Health Help Line 1800 011 511
Health Advice 13HEALTH 13 43 25 84
Samaritans Suicide Emergency line 1800 198 313
Mensline (24 hours) 1300 789 978
Kids Helpline (aged 5 - 25 yrs) (24 hours) 1800 551 800 Beyondblue info line 1300 224 636 SANE mental health information 1800 187 263
Salvation Army (state wide) Crisis Counselling Service (24 hours) 1300 363 622
Salvation Army (Brisbane) (24 hours) (07) 3831 9016
Parentline 1300 301 300
Domestic Violence Line 1800 811 811
Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service 1800 800 098