Authentic Happiness
Screening Assessment
A. I feel like a failure.
B. I do not feel like a failure.
C. I feel like I have succeeded more than most people.
D. As I look back on my life, all I see are victories.
E. I feel I am extraordinarily successful.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I am usually in a bad mood.
B. I am usually in a neutral mood.
C. I am usually in a good mood.
D. I am usually in a great mood.
E. I am usually in a unbelievably great mood.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I feel cut off from other people.
B. I feel neither close to nor cut off from other people.
C. I feel close to most people, even if I do not know them well.
E. I feel close to everyone in the world.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I am ashamed of myself.
B. I am not ashamed of myself.
C. I am proud of myself.
D. I am very proud of myself.
E. I am extraordinarily proud of myself.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. Time passes slowly during most of the things that I do.
B. Time passes quickly during some of the things that I do and slowly for other things.
C. Time passes quickly during most of the things that I do.
D. Time passes quickly during all of the things that I do.
E. Time passes so quickly during all of the things that I do that I don't even notice it.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I have little or no enthusiam.
B. My enthusiasm level is neither high nor low.
C. I have a good amount of enthusiasm.
D. I feel enthusiastic doing almost everything.
E. I have so much enthusiasm that I feel I can do most anything.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I am unhappy with myself.
B. I am neither happy nor unhappy with myself - I am neutral.
C. I am happy with myself.
D. I am very happy with myself.
E. I could not be any happier with myself.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. If I were keeping score in life, I'd be behind.
B. If I were keeping score in life. I'd be about even.
C. If I were keeping score in life, I'd be somewhat ahead.
D. If I were keeping score in life, I'd be ahead.
E. If I were keeping score in life, I'd be far ahead.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I experience more pain than pleasure.
B. I experience pain and pleasure in equal measure.
C. I experience more pleasure than pain.
D. I experience much more pleasure than pain.
E. My life is filled with pleasure.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
A. I do not enjoy my daily routine.
B. I feel neutral about my daily routine.
C. I like my daily routine, but I am happy to get away from it.
D. I like my daily routine so much that I rarely take breaks from it.
E. I like my daily routine so much that I almost never take breaks.
Answer: __________ Score: __________
Total of all scores: _____________________
My total happiness category: ____________________%
Scoring your assessment:
For every A answer score yourself 1 point.
For every B answer score yourself 2 points.
For every C answer score yourself 3 points.
For every D answer score yourself 4 points.
For every E answer score yourself 5 points.
2. Total all Scores
3. Compare your score to the categories below to determine where your level of happiness is currently.
Greater than 38 points: Your scores indicate you are currently in the top 10% of happiness-wise (based on
American statistics).
Greater than 34 points: Your scores indicate you are currently in the top 25% of happiness-wise.
Between 35 to 25 points: Your scores indicate your scores indicate you are currently in the 26-74% of
happiness-wise indicating you are in the average range.
Less than 24 points: Your scores indicate you are currently in the bottom 25% of happiness-wise.
Less than 18 points: Your scores indicate you are currently in the bottom 10% of happiness-wise.
The less points that you have scored indicates the less you are authentically happy and that you are not living your life in the manner that suits you. By working through the strategies on my website Live Your Best Life you can develop your compass to choose the best directions that you would like to move in, learn and implement strategies that enable you to enjoy life and get the most out of life and develop greater abilities of resilience, awareness as well as improve your ability to self-direct yourself throughout life.
The more points that you have scored indicates the more you are authentically happy and that you are living your life in the manner that suits you. Congratulations keep up the good work!!! By working through the strategies on Live Your Best Life you can develop greater authentic living, greater happiness, and increased resilience.
When you view your results remember this is only a starting point. Congratulate yourself for completing the Authentic Happiness Screening Assessment. You now have a starting point that you can refer back to on regular intervals to determine your growth levels in the area of happiness. To challenge yourself and increase growth, work through the techniques on a regular basis, preferably 30 minutes morning and night, and journal what you have learnt for that day. On a regular basis you are able to look back to see how far you have come and enjoy your journey.
Set goals for yourself to work towards. When you have achieved one goal.
1. Identify the fact that you achieved the goal.
2. Enjoy the fact that the goal is completed.
3. Think about how good it feel to have achieved the goal.
4. Think about how achieving the goal will improve your life.
5. Show gratitude for your efforts to reach the goal.
6. Treat yourself once you have completed the goal.
By using these techniques you to be more motivated to complete your next goal or goals.
Remember to test yourself regularly using the Authentic Happiness Screening Assessment to make sure that you continually work towards creating the best life you can have, constantly increase your levels of happiness, and living authentically.