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The Purpose of Psychotherapy is

To Set People Free


About Louise

Louise Wakefield is a highly motivated Counsellor and Psychotherapist (Registered Provisional Psychologist working in private psychology clinics within North and South Brisbane).  She studied the Bachelor of Psychological Science at the University of Queensland obtaining an Honors in Psychology. She has worked in multiple private practice psychology clinics, Prince Charles Mental Health Unit (group therapy volunteer), The Department of Communities Child Safety and non-profit organisations, including Encircle working with multi-cultural client groups, grief and loss groups, self-confidence groups and adult literacy mentoring.  Louise has developed and facilitated a grief and loss program for the bereaved and the program self-awareness and self-development for individuals struggling with their mental health.  Louise has also facilitated women's groups, social mature aged singles groups, and team leader for the hosting team at a large church in Brisbane. 


Louise currently works in private practice in a number of locations with clients who have a variety of issues, including complex trauma, anxiety, depression, personality disorders, drug and alcohol abuse and criminal activity.  She works closely with the Department of Corrective Services with people who are newly released from incarceration.  Additionally, Louise also works closely with Transformations a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre.  Louise also currently works in a Brisbane based prison as a provisional psychologist where she is managing suicide and self-harm risk of prisoners.


Louise predominantly works within a trauma framework using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR).  She is an eclectic therapist predominantly utilizing cognitive behaviour therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, positive psychology, dialectical behaviour therapy, along with other therapies.


On completion of her university studies Louise has undertaken further professional development in:

* EMDR Level 1 plus Level 1 Supervision

* EMDR Level 2 plus Level 2 Supervision

* EMDR for Dissociation

* EMDR for Eating and Body Issues - the Body Blame program

* Developmental Needs Meeting Proticol

along with many others




Louise works with clients of all ages (children, adolescence, adults, and the elderly) in areas including:


* Anxiety, Panic

* Depression

* Post-traumatic Stress and Trauma

* Grief and Loss

* Low self-esteem

* Drug and Alcohol Addiction

* Stress Management and Coping Skills

* Domestic Violence

* Communication

* Motivation

* Eating Issues

* Personal Growth

* Stress Management

along with many other topics and disorders



Specializing in Anxiety Treatment, Depression and Trauma Therapy 


Anxiety is the persistent, excessive worry of events or activities that is difficult to control, which may be related to family, work pressures, health, lack of money and or relationships.  People with anxiety may over plan, avoid people, places or situations, seek assurance from others and procrastinate.


Symptoms of anxiety include the following:

  1. Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge

  2. Inability to stop or control worrying

  3. Worrying too much about different things

  4. Difficulty relaxing

  5. Restlessness, difficulties in sitting still

  6. Easily annoyed or irritated

  7. Feeling afraid, scared or frightened as if something awful might happen

Depression is the feelings of lowered mood and loss of interest in activities that would usually be enjoyable.  Depression can be a debilatating condition that may result in reduction of activities including hobbies, relationships, and attendance at work.  


The symptoms of depression include the following:

1. Depressed mood

2. An inability to enjoy activities previously


3. Increased or reduced activity

4. Reduced ability to think or


5. Feelings of worthlessness and or


6. Recurrent thoughts of death may


7. Loss of energy

8. Insomnia

Trauma is created by the exposure, witnessing or learning about experiences that are traumatic such as a serious accident, a physical assault, war, a natural disaster, sexual assault or abuse.  A person may have one or multiple traumatic incidences throughout their life time including learning about the death of a close family member or friend that died of a life threatening event or serious injury. 


Symptoms of trauma include the following:

1. Daze

2. Narrowing of attention

3. Disorientation

4. Agitation or over activity

5. Depression

6. Anxiety

7. Social withdrawal

8. Hypervigilance

9. Reduced ability to cope

Alcohol and Drug Use

Alcohol and or drug misuse is associated with a strong desire to ingest alcohol, drugs, and or prescription medication.  Sometimes the desire is overpowering and is very difficult to control.  Alcohol and drug misuse is, for some people, used as an avoidance strategy so they do not have to deal with or manage emotions, thoughts, physical sensations, and or memories of traumatic situations.  Substance use may result in blackouts, anterograde amnesia, coma, substance-induced psychosis and or delirium.  Alcohol and drug use generally co-occur with other mental health conditions such as depression and or anxiety.


Relationships of all types are important to maintain within our lives.  Whether they are between family members, friends, employees and employers within the workplace, or couples.  When our relationships are not harmonious we may experience anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, anger, and loneliness.  

Relationship counseling increases recognition, reconcile differences, challenge and change unhelpful communication styles and learn skills to increase kindness, care and compassion within relationships to reduce disharmony within relationships.  All our relationships are important and can be continually improved upon.  By prioritising your relationships within your life you increase your level of happiness and decrease stress.

Family; Beach; Relaxation; Quality Time; Children, Adults; Ocean; Beach; Harmony; Tranquility
Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality disorder is a mental disorder characterised by unstable moods, behaviour and relationships that may last for years of be lifelong.  People with borderline personality disorder benefit from seeking regular support from a qualified health professional. 


Symptoms of borderline personality disorder  include the following:

1. Emotional instability

2. Feelings of worthlessness 


3. Impulsivity

4. Impaired social relationships.


Additional symptoms may also be present such as the following:



- antisocial behaviour

- compulsive behaviour

- hostility, impulsivity

- irritability

- risk-taking behaviours

- self-destructive behaviour

- self-harm

- social isolation

- lack of restraint




- anxiety

- general discontent

- guilt

- loneliness

- mood swings

- sadness




- distorted self-image

- grandiosity

- narcissism

- thoughts of suicide


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