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My Approach

Louise Wakefield is an eclectic therapist that utilizes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR); Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT); Positive Psychology; Solution Focused Therapy; Mindfulness; Interpersonal Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.



EMDR is a therapy that was originally developed by Francine Shapiro to decrease the symptoms of trauma for children, adolescence, adults and the elderly.  By engaging the brain's natural adaptive information processing the long-lasting thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and post-traumatic effects of the distressing memories are reduced or eliminated.  The World Health Organisation indicates EMDR Therapy along with trauma-focused CBT to be the best therapy to use for post-traumatic stress.  Addictions, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and other disorders have been also effectively treated with EMDR Therapy.  EMDR Therapy functions to desensitize and reprocess memories of events, thoughts, emotions and physical sensations thorough the use of bilateral stimulation, either via auditory (beats in headphones), visually (lights moving left to right), and/or tactile (pulsating theratappas).

Number of sessions: Attending EMDR Therapy closer together is best to process out negative thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.  The more intense the trauma the greater the number of sessions you may choose to complete per week approximately.  


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy focuses on the use of psychoeducation and targeted interventions to solve current problems and change unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and emotional regulation.  Coping strategies are taught to enable better thinking styles and the development of improved decisions.

Number of sessions: Attending Cognitive Behaviour Therapy sessions is generally completed one hour per week for ten to twelve weeks approximately. 


Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is the use of  strategies to increase positive human functioning to develop your  life into a life worth living or to flourish.  Positive psychology helps to improve value in your life and create greater fulfillment in your life.  Positive individual traits, strengths and virtues are discussed along with positive experiences, enduring psychological traits, positive relationships, and positive institutions.  PERMA is the theory that underpins positive psychology suggesting happiness is increased by increasing:

1. Pleasant life: optimally experience, forecast, and saviouring of positive feelings and emotions everyday through relationships, hobbies,

    interests, entertainment, etc.

2. Good Life: Living a life of engagement through immersion, absorption and experiencing a positive match between your strengths and your


3. Meaningful Life: Living a life of affiliation, developing a positive sense of well-being through belonging to groups, living with meaning and purpose and being involved with traditions, nature, social groups, organizations, and living inline with your belief systems.​

Number of sessions: One hour per week for six to ten weeks approximately.


Solution Focused Therapy

Solution Focused Therapy is a brief therapy that focuses on improving your situation now.  No questions about the past are discussed. Solutions are developed for problems, goals are set and steps to achieve the goals are identified.

Number of sessions: One hour per week/fortnight for four to eight weeks approximately.



Mindfulness involves teaching skills to increase attention on the present moment and reducing attention to thoughts, emotions and memories.  By focusing on the present moment self-knowledge and wisdom is increased reducing suffering, rumination, worry, and critical biased evaluations.

Number of sessions: One hour per week/fortnight for four to ten weeks approximately.


Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal Therapy resolves interpersonal problems and increases symptomatic recovery by improving relationships and life events.  Interpersonal therapy is based on attachment theory, Interpersonal psychoanalysis, and social theory.  Attachment therapy by looking at understanding relationship difficulties, attachment types and how attachment impacts relationships, and the optimisation of functioning within relationships.

Number of sessions: One hour per week/fortnight for twelve to sixteen weeks approximately.


Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) helps peole who are suffering from mood disorders, personality disorders, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse by increasing skills in emotional and cognitive regulation.  Triggers that increase reactive states are identified, coping skills are learnt to manage sequence of events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that result in undesired reactions.

Number of sessions: Emotional instability and or Personality disorders: One hour sessions for two sessions per week.  Non personality disorders or emotional instability: One hour per week or fortnight for ten weeks approximately.  


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